Artists interpret data

For the 2007-2008 IPY (International Polar Year) programme, arts academic Kathryn Yousoff submitted a proposal for the Polar climate change study, Weather Permitting. The study aimed

to synthesise and creatively re-animate existing data.

Following up on results of this project, I find:


New works by Anne Brodie and Weather Permitting commissioned for the Polar programme were shown at the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1 on Friday 20 June 2008. The exhibition coincided with the launch of our new book BIPOLAR

Anne Brodie took a large lump of ice that she had brought back from Antarctica out of its lodgings inside the British Antarctic Survey’s freezer in Cambridge and let it not so gently melt over the course of the evening. It was acoustically wired up and produced loud interruptions as the ancient air kept locked under pressure by the ice belched into the London air. The artist intends to reuse the meltwater in another project.

Weather Permitting presented Forecast Factory: Snow Globes and Climate Change, part of a project that investigates the phenomena of weather, from tornadoes in trailer parks to drifting ice shelves in the Antarctic.